Terms of Service

These Terms set forth the conditions under which customers may utilize the Service (defined inArticle 1, paragraph 1) provided by Trusted Corporation (“Trusted”). To register as a Member for theService, agreement to these Terms prior to registration is required per the terms of Article 2.

Article 1 (Definitions)

  1. “The Service” refers to the service of providing the opportunity to search and view informationconcerning companies, organizations, etc., (“Companies, etc.”) registered in the community on theonline platform developed by Trusted to foster direction communication with Companies, etc., inorder to expand Member business enterprises.
  2. “The Platform” refers to the “Trusted” platform (https://trusted-inc.com/) operated by Trusted.
  3. “Member” refers to a customer who is a Company, etc., that has consented to these Terms andregistered with the Service as a member.
  4. “Free plan” refers to a service plan of the Service that can be used for free by a Member. Servicesare subjected to some limitations in Free Plans. The details of “Free Plans” will be establishedseparately.
  5. “Paid Plan” is a collective term for service plans of the Service that can be used by a Member fora fee. Members with Paid Plans must pay service fees. The details of “Paid Plans” will beestablished separately.

Article 2 (Member registration, etc.)

  1. Customers wishing to use the Service will apply for member registration after agreeing to theseTerms and the Privacy Policy, and accurately inputting the necessary information on theapplication page.
  2. Upon receiving an application for registration from a customer, Trusted will conduct anexamination with help from partner Companies, etc., of Trusted as necessary to assist in thecustomer’s registration, and the customer will be accepted as a Member only with the approval ofTrusted. Trusted will bear no obligation to accept applications, and no obligation to providereasons if registration is rejected.

Article 3 (Payment of service fees for Paid Plans)

  1. When applying for a Paid Plan, the customer will pay service fees according to a methodseparately specified by Trusted.
  2. If a customer delays in paying service fees, a late fee will be applied at a rate of 14.6% per annumfrom the date following the due date until payment is received.
  3. In the event of cancellation after applying or premature termination, or changes to agreementterms, etc., during the period of the agreement (“Cancellation, etc.”), the customer will promptlypay the full amount of any unpaid service fees to Trusted, unless the Cancellation, etc., is forreasons attributable to Trusted, in which case Trusted will provide a refund commensurate withthe unused period and portion.

Article 4 (ID and password)

  1. Following member registration, an ID and a password will be generated for and given to thecustomer. The Member will strictly manage the generated ID and password so as to prevent usageby third parties, and will bear all responsibility for usage and management of the ID andpassword.
  2. Members may not lend or assign IDs and passwords to or permit the usage thereof by third parties.

Article 5 ([Profile] page)

  1. Members can publish necessary information for perusal by other members on their own pages(“[Profile] pages”) on the Platform.
  2. Information published by members on their [Profile] pages must not include confidentialinformation as defined in Article 15, and must be official information for the Member’s owncompany.

Article 6 (Messages, etc.)

  1. Members can search for and view information published by other Members on the Platform.
  2. Members can use the message function on the Platform to send messages to other Members.
  3. The search function of paragraph 1, and the ability to use the message function of paragraph 2 andthe extent to which the same can be utilized, will differ from plan to plan.
  4. Searching, viewing, and messaging are to be performed under the responsibility of the Member.Trusted will bear no responsibility whatsoever for information published by other Members, willhave no involvement whatsoever in any messages or subsequent communications, negotiations,etc., between Members, and will bear no responsibility whatsoever for any trouble, etc., arisingtherefrom.
  5. When deemed necessary, Trusted can review the contents of messages between Members.

Article 7 (Duties of members)

  1. Members will comply with the following requirements regarding usage of the Service.
    (1) In the event of any subsequent change in the information inputted at the time of Memberregistration, Trusted is to be promptly notified of the said changes. Trusted will bear noresponsibility whatsoever for any damages, disadvantages, etc., incurred by customers as theresult of failure to provide such notice.
    (2) If information posted on the [Profile] page or information sent in messages includes informationor content (including personal information, etc.) concerning a third party, Members must obtainany necessary permission to such posting or sending, and will bear all responsibility for posting orsending the same.
    (3) Members will be responsible for the contents of messages exchanged with other Members.
    (4) Members must comply with applicable law when using (including providing Trusted, otherMembers, or third parties with) information or content (including personal information, etc.)posted on the [Profile] pages of other Members, and use such information or content in a mannercompliant with law.
  2. The following acts are prohibited when using the Service.
    (1) Inputting, sending, or publishing information that is false, inaccurate, or misleading
    (2) Infringement or potential infringement of intellectual property rights, such as patents, copyrights,and trademarks, and portrait rights, privacy, and all other rights of Trusted or other third parties
    (3) Usage of information posted on the [Profile] pages of other Members, information obtained viamessaging, and all other information obtained through the Service for purposes not intended
    (4) Hindering the operation of the Service
    (5) Criminal acts or other acts related to violation of law
    (6) Violations of public order/decency
    (7) Defamation of Trusted or another third party, or damage or potential damage to the name,reputation, or privacy thereof
    (8) Hindering usage of the Service by other Members
    (9) Illicitly publishing, disclosing, providing, or divulging to another third party information that hasbeen designated confidential by Trusted or another Member, or personal information
    (10) Violence, incitement of suicide, obscene behaviors, or expression of discrimination
    (11) Illegal or illicit advertisement, promotion, etc., of business
    (12) Acts contrary to the purpose of the Service
    (13) Any acts that lead to Trusted deeming it improper to continue providing the Service to aMember
  3. Customers will provide compensation for all damages (including reasonable attorney’s fees) toTrusted incurred as a result of customer violations of these Terms.

Article 8 (Copyrights, etc.)

  1. Copyrights and other rights pertaining to information or content posted on the [Profile] page by aMember, sent by the Member using the messaging function, or provided to Trusted by theMember to be posted or sent (“Member Content, etc.”) belong to the Member or the third partythat provided the said information or content to the Member. Members grant Trusted the right toreproduce, adapt, publically transmit, and otherwise use Member Content, etc., in any way(including granting permission to sublicense), and will not exercise author’s moral rights againstTrusted or any party to which Trusted has directly or indirectly granted permission to sublicense.When rights to Member Content, etc., belong to a third party, the Member will represent andwarrant that the Member has been granted the necessary rights by the said third party to grant theaforementioned right to Trusted, and that the said third party will not exercise author’s moralrights against Trusted or any party to which Trusted has directly or indirectly granted permissionto sublicense. In the event of litigation or claims by a third party against Trusted regardingMember Content, etc. (including violations of the aforementioned representation and warranty),the Member will resolve the same under the Member’s own responsibility and at the Member’sown expense, or, if Trusted resolves the matter, will recompense any damages and bear anyexpenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) incurred thereby.
  2. Copyrights and all other rights pertaining to copyrighted work provided on the Platform (“Worksto which Trusted Has Rights, etc.”) belong to Trusted or to the Member or third party whoprovided the said work, etc., to Trusted. Members will use Works to which Trusted Has Rights,etc., on the Platform; may not use, copy, reproduce, etc., Trusted works, etc., in whole or in partexcept where permitted by law; and may not use such works (including disclosure to non-Memberthird parties) outside of the Platform.
  3. Customers must not reproduce, alter, modify, adapt, etc., Works to which Trusted Has Rights, etc.,without the prior written consent of Trusted, and rights (including the rights set forth in Articles 27and 28 of the Japanese Copyright Act) to any new copyrighted work, etc., produced as the resultof modifications, etc., made with the prior consent of Trusted will belong to Trusted.
  4. Ownership and usage conditions for intellectual property rights, etc., pertaining to copyrightedworks, ideas, know-how, etc., provided to or received from another Member by a customer usingthe Service will be decided upon, as appropriate, in agreement with the said other Member.Trusted will have no involvement whatsoever in such decisions, and Trusted will bear noresponsibility whatsoever for any damages, disadvantages, etc., incurred by the customer thereby.

Article 9 (Rights of Trusted)

Trusted may delete or alter information or content posted by a Member, messages sent or receivedby the Member, and any other information produced or provided by the Member if Trusteddetermines that the Member has violated these Terms or engaged in behavior that potentiallyviolates these Terms, or in other cases deemed inappropriate by Trusted in view of the intendedpurpose of usage. Trusted will bear no responsibility whatsoever for any resulting damages,disadvantages, etc., incurred by the customer arising out of such deletion and alteration.

Article 10 (No warranty)

  1. Trusted makes no warranties whatsoever to Members regarding the accuracy, utility, or fitness forpurpose of information posted on the Platform.
  2. Trusted will not engage in any way to messaging, etc., between Members, and will bear noresponsibility whatsoever for any damages, disadvantages, etc., incurred by customers thereby.
  3. Members acknowledge that Members may on occasion be entirely or partially incapable of usingthe Service for reasons pertaining to the Member’s system environment. In such cases, Trustedwill have no obligation to refund service fees.
  4. Trusted will bear no responsibility whatsoever for services or products provided bytelecommunications service providers, hardware providers, or other third parties, or for problemsarising from the customer’s usage environment, including the customer’s computer terminal,telecommunications environment, etc.

Article 11 (Suspension of the Service)

Trusted may temporarily suspend or alter provision of the Service for as long as necessary withoutthe need for prior notification or consent in the following cases.
(1) Maintenance or inspection of hardware, software, etc., related to the Service
(2) When necessary for operational or technological reasons
(3) Customer violations of these Terms
(4) When the Service cannot be provided due to unforeseen circumstances

Article 12 (Notification method)

  1. Trusted may send notifications, etc., to Members at any time via a method deemed suitable byTrusted, such as email, writing, or posts on the Platform.
  2. In the event that Trusted sends notification, etc. as provided for in the previous paragraph on thePlatform, the said notification, etc. will be considered to have been delivered to Members at thepoint in time when the notification is posted on the website.
  3. In the event that Trusted sends notification as provided for in paragraph 1 via email, the saidnotification will be considered to have been delivered to a Member at the point in time that thesaid email is sent to the email address registered by the Member, regardless of whether deliveryhas actually occurred.
  4. In the event that Trusted sends notification as provided for in paragraph 1 in writing, the saidnotification will be considered to have been delivered to a Member on the date following the dateon which the said notification is mailed to the addressed registered by the Member, regardless ofwhether delivery has actually occurred.

Article 13 (Discontinuation of the Service)

Trusted may entirely or partially discontinue provision of the Service in the following cases, andmay dissolve the usage contract effective as of the discontinuation date.
(1) When a customer is notified one (1) month before the discontinuation date
(2) When provision of the Service cannot be resumed due to difficulties in repairing or restoringthe system that provides the Service in any of the cases set forth in Article 11

Article 14 (Cancellation of membership)

Members may cancel their membership in the Service at any time. In the case of Paid Plans, norefund of service fees will be issued if the Member cancels membership during the applicationperiod.

Article 15 (Handling of confidential information, personal information)

  1. Members shall strictly and properly manage any confidential information of Trusted (includinginformation concerning the Service and all technology- and business-related confidentialinformation) and personal information of Trusted obtained in connection with using the Service,and shall not disclose, provide, or divulge such information to any third party without the priorwritten consent of Trusted.
  2. When so instructed by Trusted or when the usage contract expires, Members shall promptly returnany confidential information or personal information to Trusted or dispose of such information,and shall not use the said information thereafter.

Article 16 (Dissolution of usage contract)

  1. In the event that any of the following cases apply to a customer, Trusted may dissolve these Termsin whole or in part if there is a failure to remedy within one (1) week of warning being issued byTrusted in the case of (1) or (2), and without any warning whatsoever in other cases.
    (1) Violation of any of these Terms
    (2) Defaulting on debts owed, such as service fees, in whole or in part, or refusing to pay the samewithout legitimate reason
    (3) Discovery of the inclusion of false information in the registration application submitted whenbecoming a Member or an attempt by a Member to deceive the registration examination
    (4) Dishonored promissory notes or checks, de facto insolvency or equivalent circumstances,receiving filing for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation procedures, etc., or actively filing for the same
    (5) Receiving motion for attachment, provisional attachment, or auction, or imposition of penaltiesfor unpaid taxes and public dues
    (6) Revocation, suspension, etc., by supervisory authorities or license to operate
    (7) Decisions to dissolve, reduce capital, assign all or vital parts of operations (business), etc.
    (8) Other situations in which trust cannot be maintained between the customer and Trusted forreasons attributable to the customer
  2. In the aforementioned cases, the membership of the customer in the Service will be consideredcancelled. Any remaining unpaid monetary debts will be immediately paid to Trusted.
  3. Trusted will bear no responsibility whatsoever for any damages incurred by customers or otherthird parties as a result of dissolution as provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 17 (Abstention from criminal activity)

  1. The customer and Trusted pledge that none of the following apply to them, their officers, or anyparties substantially governing or contributing to the business thereof, and will not apply in thefuture.
    (1) Organized criminal groups, members of organized criminal groups, associates of organizedcriminal groups, enterprises associated with organized criminal groups, shareholder meetingextortionists, criminal organizations posing as social activists, organized criminal syndicates, andother comparable entities (“Members of Organized Criminal Groups, etc.”)
    (2) Member of Organized Criminal Group, etc., within the past five (5) years
    (3) Illicit utilization of Members of Organized Criminal Groups, etc.
    (4) Provision of funds or aid to Members of Organized Criminal Groups, etc.
    (5) Socially condemnable relationships with Members of Organized Criminal Groups, etc.
  2. Upon discovery that the other party is violating or has violated the aforementioned pledge, thecustomer or Trusted may dissolve this Agreement in whole or in part without any warningwhatsoever.
  3. The dissolving party shall bear no responsibility to provide compensation for any damagesincurred by the other party as a result of the dissolution provided for in the preceding paragraph.

Article 18 (Compensation of damages)

  1. Trusted will, solely in cases of damages incurred by a customer in connection with the Service inwhich the said damages are the result of intention or gross negligence on the part of Trusted,provide compensation, up to the total service fees paid by the customer to Trusted, for direct andordinary damages.
  2. Trusted will bear no responsibility whatsoever for damages other than those provided for in thepreceding paragraph.

Article 19 (Alterations to these Terms)

  1. Trusted may alter the contents of these Terms, plans, the Privacy Policy, etc., by providing noticeno later than two (2) weeks in advance of the Date of Alteration. In such cases, customers will beconsidered as having consented to the new Terms, plan, Privacy Policy, etc., as of the Date ofAlteration designated by Trusted (“the Date of Alteration”).
  2. If a customer does not consent to the changes, the customer must written notice of objection toTrusted no later than the day before the Date of Alteration. In such cases, the customer will beconsidered as having cancelled membership in the Service as of the Date of Alteration.

Article 20 (Prohibition of assignment of rights and obligations)

Customers may not transfer, assign, or pledge their contractual position with respect to the Service,or any rights and obligations, such as claims, with respect to Trusted arising in connectiontherewith, to a third party without prior written consent from Trusted.

Article 21 (Period)

  1. The period for which a customer can use the Service as a Member will be unlimited in the case ofnon-paying Members, and as determined in a separately established plan in the case of payingMembers.
  2. Unless notification that a customer will not be renewing is submitted to Trusted no later than two(2) weeks before the expiration of the period of the Agreement, the Agreement will beautomatically renewed for an identical period, and likewise thereafter.
  3. Even after a Paid Plan has ended, a customer may utilize a Free Plan as long as the customercontinues to be a registered Member.

Article 22 (Special provisions regarding discontinuation of the Service)

In the event that Trusted discontinues provision of the Service in whole or in part in accordancewith these Terms, provision of the Service will end at the point in time at which the Platform isdiscontinued, even if the period of a Paid Plan has not yet expired. In such cases, Trusted willprovide a refund of service fees already paid by Members who have applied for Paid Planscommensurate with the unused period and portion.

Article 23 (Survival)

Articles 7, 8, 15 through 18, and 20 through 26 will remain in effect after the expiration of theusage contract.

Article 24 (Negotiation)

Both parties will strive to reach satisfactory resolution of any matters not provided for in theseTerms and any uncertainties regarding the Articles of these Terms through negotiation in goodfaith.

Article 25 (Governing law, language)

  1. These Terms will be governed by the laws of Japan.
  2. In the event of any discrepancy between the translation of these Terms and the Japanese text ofthese Terms, the Japanese text of these Terms will have priority.

Article 26 (Agreed jurisdiction)

The Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court will be the agreed exclusive court oforiginal jurisdiction for all disputes regarding these Terms.

Privacy Policy

Trusted Corporation (“Trusted”) will process personal information acquired from customers asfollows.

  1. Purposes for use
    Trusted will handle customer personal information for the following purposes. When handlingcustomer personal information for purposes not set forth in this Privacy Policy, Trusted willseparately provide notice of or publish the said purposes.
    ꞏProviding and managing service by Trusted
    ꞏCommunicating pertaining to Trusted services
    ꞏSending/transmitting advertisements, etc., of Trusted or other companies
    ꞏImproving Trusted services; developing, analyzing, and marketing new services
    ꞏConducting campaigns, surveys, trials, and interviews, etc.
    ꞏResponding to feedback, inquiries, etc., to Trusted
    ꞏCompiling and utilizing statistics and other non-personal information
  2. Provision to third parties
    As a rule, Trusted will not provide personal data to third parties without consent. Trusted mayprovide personal data without consent to the extent not violating applicable law in the followingcases.
    ꞏWhen required by national or local public authorities for the purposes of legally mandated matters
    ꞏWhen disclosure is demanded by a court, a public prosecutor’s office, police, or an organization having comparable authority
    ꞏWhen deemed especially necessary in order to protect the reasonable rights and interests of Trusted or a third party in cases where it is difficult or inappropriate to obtain consent
    ꞏWhere permitted by law
  3. A control system of personal information
    As for controlling personal data, Trusted will endeavor to prevent leakage, loss, and damage, andto take other necessary and appropriate measures to ensure security.
  4. Notification of purposes for use/disclosure/revision/cessation of retained personal data
    Please contact the inquiries address listed below regarding procedures pertaining to thenotification of purposes for use, disclosure, revision, or cessation of retained personal data.
  5. Contact for inquiries
    For inquiries, complaints, etc., regarding personal information, contact Trusted Corporation atsupport@trusted-inc.com.
  6. Changes to privacy policy
    Trusted may change this privacy policy at any time, with the said changes being applicable fromthe time at which the changed privacy policy is published.
  7. Miscellaneous provisions
    If a customer provides personal information of another party to Trusted on behalf of the said party,the customer has to explain the matters set forth above to and obtain any necessary consent fromthe said party.
    This privacy policy is provided both in English and Japanese version, and the English versionshall govern in the event of any inconsistencies between the English and Japanese versions.

Privacy Policy
(For EEA (EU member countries and Iceland, Lichtenstein, and Norway) data subjects)

Trusted Corporation (“Trusted”) will process personal information acquired from customers asfollows.

1. Legal bases for processing of personal data, and types of personal data processed

Trusted will process the following personal data according to the legal bases defined in theGDPR (Articles 6 and 7). Trusted will process sensitive personal data, such as religious beliefsor health status, according to the special standards defined in the GDPR (Articles 9 and 10).

(1) Information contractually necessary in order to provide service to customers, or necessaryin order to enter agreements
Trusted will obtain and process customer personal data for the following purposes whencontractually necessary in order to provide service to customers, or necessary in order to enteragreements.The following types of personal data are contractually necessary in order to provide service, orto enter agreements. Accordingly, customers may be required to provide the following types ofpersonal data in the process of receiving provided service, and it may not be possible to enter anagreement with Trusted or provide some or all of the services offered by Trusted if such data isnot provided.

Purpose of processing

  • Provision/management of service by Trusted
  • Communications pertaining to Trusted services
  • Responding to feedback, inquiries, etc., to Trusted

Type of personal data

[Personal information directly obtained from customers]
Name, facial image, video, sex, nationality, language(s) used, faith, current whereabouts (country or region), address (city), email address, employer telephone number, department name, title, employment history, skills desired to be learned through educational programs such as corporate training, current skills, personal information (licenses, academic history, awards, group membership, etc.) voluntarily added to profile by manager (user), personal data exchanged between users as part of services provided byTrusted [Customer personal information indirectly obtained from third parties] Name, video, sex, nationality, race, language(s) used, faith, current whereabouts (country or region), address (city), email address, corporate employment and group membership, employer telephone number, department name, title, employment history, skills desired to be learned through educational programs such as corporate training, current skills, personal data exchanged between users as part of services provided by Trusted

(2) Information necessary for the purposes of pursuing legitimate interests
Trusted will obtain and process the following types of customer personal data for the followingpurposes as necessary in order to pursue legitimate interests (please contact Trusted as listedbelow for inquiries regarding the balancing test for legitimate interests).

Purpose of processing

  • Sending/transmitting advertisements, etc., from Trusted or other companies (except for direct email promotions/advertising)
  • Improving Trusted services; developing, analyzing, and marketing new services
  • Conducting campaigns, surveys, trials, and interviews, etc.
  • Compiling and utilizing statistics and other non-personal information

Type of personal data

[Personal information directly obtained from customer]
Name, nationality, current whereabouts (country or region), email address, employer telephone number, department name, title, and user-desired ad types

(3) Information obtained with customer consent
Finally, Trusted will obtain and process customer personal data for the following purposes withthe customer’s prior consent.

Purpose of processing

  • Direct email promotions/advertising to customer

Type of personal data

[Personal information directly obtained from customer]
Name, nationality, current whereabouts (country or region), email address, employer telephone number, department name, title, and user-desired ad types

Customers have the right to withdraw consent at any time via a method to be separatelydesignated by Trusted at the time consent is obtained. The withdrawal of consent shall not affectthe lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Trusted will not make any decisions solely on the basis of automated data processing that willproduce legal effects or similarly significantly affect customers.

2. Sources of personal data

Trusted will acquire personal data directly from the data subject, or indirectly from third partiessuch as those listed below.

  • If the customer is an individual, the customer himself or herself
  • If the customer is a legal entity, non-data-subject officers and employees of the said legal entity
  • Publically accessible information sources

3. Provision to third parties

As a rule, Trusted will not provide personal data to third parties without consent.Trusted may provide personal data without consent to the extent permitted by applicable law in thefollowing cases.

Provision of optional services

When necessary in order to provide optional services, Trusted may disclose customer personal datato consulting firms, etc., partnering with Trusted.

Corporate reorganization/consolidation

In the case of mergers, corporate restructuring or civil rehabilitation, purchase, joint ventures,assignment, spin-offs, transfer, sale, or disposal (including cases involving bankruptcy or similarproceedings) of some or all of Trusted’s enterprises, Trusted may assign all personal data to relevantthird parties.

Compliance and security

Trusted may be required to disclose customer personal data as demanded by law, legal procedure,litigation, or official organizations or governmental authorities within or without the customer’scountry of residence. Trusted may also disclose customer personal data when such disclosure isdeemed necessary or appropriate for the sake of national security, law enforcement, or other mattersof serious societal import.

Trusted may also disclose customer personal data in other cases in which such disclosure is sincerelydeemed reasonable in order to protect Trusted’s rights, seek available remedies, execute Trustedterms of service, investigate misconduct, or protect Trusted enterprises or users.

4. Control of personal information

As part of controlling personal data, Trusted will endeavor to prevent breach, loss, and damage, andto take other necessary and appropriate measures to ensure security.

5. Data subject rights

Customers have the following rights regarding personal data collected and processed by Trusted.

Access to personal data

Customers have the right to receive confirmation from Trusted as to whether personal dataconcerning the customer is being processed, and, if so, to access the said personal data and certainrelevant information (GDPR Article 15).

Rectification or erasure of personal data

Customers have the right to have inaccurate personal data concerning the customer to be rectifiedwithout undue delay, and the right to have incomplete personal data completed (GDPR Article 16).When certain requirements are met, customers have the right to have personal data concerning thecustomer erased without undue delay (GDPR Article 17).

Restriction of processing of personal data

Customers have the right to have processing of personal data restricted when certain requirementsare met (GDPR Article 18).

Objection to processing of personal data

Customers have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning the customer whencertain requirements are met (GDPR Article 21).

Data portability of personal data

Customers have the right, when certain requirements are met, to receive personal data concerning thecustomer in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and the right to transfer thesaid data to another controller without hindrance from Trusted (GDPR Article 20).

Exclusion from automated decision making

Customers have the right, when certain requirements are met, not to be subject to decisions basedsolely on automated processing (including profiling) which produces legal effects or similarlysignificantly affects the customer (GDPR Article 22).

Filing objections with supervisory authorities

Customers may file objections regarding the processing of the customer’s personal data by Trustedto data protection supervisory authorities in member countries of the customer’s residence oremployer or locations where violations of the GDPR occur.

6. Retention period of personal data

Trusted will retain customer personal data only for the period necessary to achieve the purposesstated above. The specific retention period will be decided upon consideration of the purposes forobtaining and using the personal data, the natures of the personal data, and the legal orbusiness-related necessity of retaining the personal data.

7. Contact for inquiries

For inquiries, complaints, etc., regarding personal information, contact Trusted Corporation atsupport@trusted-inc.com.

8. Changes to privacy policy

Trusted may change this privacy policy at any time, with the said changes be applicable from thetime at which the changed privacy policy is published.

9. Miscellaneous provisions

If a customer provides personal information of another party to Trusted on behalf of the said party,the customer has to explain the matters set forth above to the said party and obtain any necessaryconsent from the said party.
This privacy policy is provided both in English and Japanese version, and the English version shallgovern in the event of any inconsistencies between the English and Japanese versions.

Promulgated: January 17, 2018
Revised: June 6, 2019

Trusted Corporation © 2016-2025