JUMP: Students Business Plan contest organized by AgVenture Lab, JA Group

Fariza Abidova, Co-Founder of Trusted participated in the event as one of the judges.

JUMP is a student business plan contest that is focused on solving problems of sustainability in agriculture/ food and lifetech/ healthtech fields.Students from many Japanese universities pitched their business ideas and the winners was awarded with 1million yen prize money, as well as hands on support by JA group to help them start their business after the contest.

ESG TECH BATTLE 2022 powered by NEDO

Fariza Abidova, Co-Founder of Trusted participated in the event as one of the judges.

ESG TECH BATTLE 2022 powered by NEDO, which is a global pitch contest for R&D oriented startups and researchers was held at CIC Tokyo on March 18th, 2022. The winner of the contest received a prize of 1 million JPY and was awarded by the METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
This contest is for pre-seed / seed stage R&D oriented startup companies, and researchers and entrepreneurs who are interested in business utilizing their research outcomes. Who have a business plan that utilizes technology seeds from local areas or plans that have the potential to solve social issues, including those in the energy and environmental fields applied for the contest from all over the world!

How to Establish Business Partnerships in Japan with Fariza Abidova

In this episode of Scaling Japan we are joined by Fariza Abidova. She is the founder of Trusted Corporations, a search engine focused on connecting businesses and accelerating innovation. Fariza Abidova shares her experience of creating Trusted Corporation and explains how partnerships can be utilized to scale companies. She also provides helpful advice for startups, large corporations and country managers on how to establish a successful business partnership.

Trusted GmbH: Accelerate innovation and promote knowledge transfer

The landscape of startups developing new technologies is vast. So is the number of companies in search of innovations. But the pot doesn’t always find its matching lid. Trusted GmbH, a company from Japan that recently settled in Root, offers a solution.


The successful event was organized by forStartups Inc., bringing together thousands of entrepreneurial minds from all over the world connecting Startups, Venture Capitals, and Global Corporations.



How is the Japanese Startup ecosystem different from Europe?

In the “Inspiration/Innovation powered by Venture Café Tokyo” seminar held in Nagoya on June 25, Fariza Abidova, CEO & Founder at Trusted Corporation shared insights about entrepreneurship in Japan and introduced the European start-up ecosystem in comparison to Japan.


Fashion has always been a reflection of what happens in society. Here is how clothes are becoming cyber.

5 Reasons Why Big Companies Struggle To Find Your Startup

With innovative technologies and startups starting to show up more and more, why is it so difficult for large companies to find startups that fit their needs?

【12 JUL, Guest: Fariza Abidova】CIC LIVE - Inspiration / Innovation Japan - with Nick Luscombe

番組名:Inspiration / Innovation Japan - with Nick Luscombe
ゲスト:Fariza Abidova - Co-Founder & CEO of Trusted Corporation / Founder of SOPHYS Corporation
ナビゲーター:Nick Luscombe

Why aren’t our cities smarter yet? Different stages of smart city evolution in Europe & Japan

Most of the technology required for smart cities exists, yet reality lags behind innovation. We look at the reasons and forward-facing smart city projects in Europe & Japan

Bringing Japanese Technologies to the World Through Cross Border Open Innovation

An entrepreneur from Uzbekistan who found her lifework in Japan—to fully draw out the potential of advanced technologies lying unutilized—is doing her utmost to serve as a bridge between companies in Japan and the rest of the world.

Solving the Grand Challenge of our Time: Carbon Neutrality through Open Innovation

Trusted Corporation held an event with a guest speaker from the World Bank at CIC Tokyo on April 26. The seminar focused on real-life case studies of how the open innovation process can be applied to solve one of the grand challenges of our times–carbon neutrality–through open innovation.

Connecting the world and Japanese companies. Innovation from Toranomon of Trusted and CIC

Fariza Abidova (Representative Director of Trusted Co., Ltd.) / Minako Hirata (Director of CIC Japan GK / Director of Venture Cafe Tokyo)

There are companies that are struggling to discover technologies and know-how that Japanese companies have not fully utilized and to lead to global innovation. Trusted Co., Ltd. has a network with large companies and startups in cities around the world, mainly in Europe.

Tokyo & the Nordics: a New Innovation Hub in the Making

On Jan 22, 2021, Trusted Inc, Nordic Innovation House, CIC Tokyo, Mori Building, Innovation Lab Asia, and Venture Cafe Tokyo hosted a joint event on “Nordic startups and Japanese companies: open innovation strategies & exploring opportunities for partnerships in health tech and other business areas” at CIC Tokyo.

【12月11日放送分、ゲスト:Fariza Abidova】CIC LIVE - Start-up Toranomon 〜ミナコの部屋〜 by 平田 美奈子

番組名:Voices of Innovation
初回特別ゲスト: Fariza Abidova - Trusted Corporation
ナビゲーター:平田 美奈子

平田美奈子/CIC Japan ディレクター・Venture Café Tokyo 理事
経済系シンクタンクに8年間勤務、その後、渡米。しばらく専業主婦。帰国後、CIC Japan設立と、姉妹団体である
Venture Café Tokyoの立ち上げのプロジェクトマネージャーを経て現職。好きな景色は故郷の海。剣道三段。



「すべては日本の成長のために。」をコンセプトに、成長産業支援を行うフォースタートアップス株式会社とCIC Tokyoが共催。スタートアップや大手企業、アカデミア、行政など幅広い分野の最前線で活躍する60名超のスピーカーが一堂に会し、産業テーマ別に、16の熱いトークセッションを9時間に渡り開催いたしました。

Great minds think alike: Why Japanese companies should work with European start-ups

Japan and Europe are both places not only steeped in history and culture, they also have a lot in common in the business world. At Trusted, we discovered that partnerships between Japanese companies and EU-based start-ups are often a perfect match. Here we explain the ingredients of this three-piece pie for your business success.

賢者は皆同じように考える: 日本企業が 欧州のスタートアップと事業提携すべき理由


Why Your Open Innovation Project Will Fail Without These 3 Key Steps:

Fariza founded Trusted Inc. 4 years ago to directly connect decision makers in Japanese and foreign companies, online. The company was born out of her vision to make borderless technology innovation a possibility for companies worldwide.Here are the three key take-aways from the interview on how your Open Innovation project can become a success.


ファリザさんは、日本企業と海外企業の意思決定者をオンラインで直接つなげることを目指して、4年前にTrusted株式会社を設立しました。 Trusted株式会社は、世界中の企業がボーダレスな技術革新を享受できる社会にしたいという彼女のビジョンから生まれた会社です。以下では、オープン・イノベーションプロジェクトを成功させるために重要な3つのポイントについてご紹介します。

Why do Japanese companies fail to partner with startups through Accelerators & Incubators?

Many Japanese companies invest in venture capital funds or sponsor startup accelerators or incubators, hoping to include open innovation into their business strategy. Yet, many are left without any tangible results. Why? Here we explain why trying to partner with startups via these routes often ends up being sunken yen for Japanese companies and what they can do instead.

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